Sunday, May 15, 2011

Goju-kan Hawaii - Cuba Pictures(May 2011)

New Pictures - 2011 March Cuba Trip

Arriving in Cuba was an awe aspiring experience for me.
Sensei Eric Marn of the Funakoshi Shotokan - Hawaii planned this trip gathering for the both of us. 
We were met by a deligation of Cuban Martial Arts Sensei's from Goju, Shotokan & Escrima.
Discussion for the week long training was at hand. And they wanted much to learn from us. 
A training seminar in two areas were set up. Havana and Varadero province were chosen.
Participants came from many areas to joint in. Sensei Marn and myself split the everyday
training taking turns and even going solo at times as a few wanted only a to learn Escrima or Goju.
The Cubans are very serious when it comes to training and our two hour classes ended up to five to six hours a day... awesome!
I met many fantastic students, family members and on lookers. Communication was
interesting as we tried to understand one another by using hand gestures and martial arts lingo.
I had an interpetor, "Ryan", whom was with me most of the time and made things easier for both sides.
All in all, the point always got across with smiles and laughter.
We stay at the home of Humberto & Mari. Two wonderful people that I have ever met. Mari cooked up tasty meals that never went to waist.
Humberto was our offical interpetor. His words to the Cubans was always the right ones to say. He was a major part of our training being very diplomatic..
Many Thanks to these senseis from the various groups and provinces.
Shotokan Sensei's - Perros, Sardinios, Falcon
Goju Sensei's - Rojas, Torres, Cabrera, Suarez
Escrime Guru - Soto
My apologies if I left anyone out. You are all in my heart!
Especially to the GOJU students I had the pleasure of training with. Thank you for your undivided attention. 
I also want to to say a special Thank You to Tamara and her family for allowing me to spend time with them in their home.
I can't wait to return... "I WILL BE BACK"
Aki Sensei

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