Tuesday, March 4, 2014

2014 Feb Update

                The Goju-Kan group attended a seminar with JKA Goju-Kai, Sensei Seiichi Fujiwara


               Seiwa Kai North America President, Vassie Naidoo(r) and Sensei John Paul
               Williams pose at a recent seminar in HNL
Two Japanese Navy sailors Toshihiro Kojima (l) & Shiryu Kurihara (r) came to the PC Dojo
 Feb 22, 2014 to train with us.
Both are Kendo practitioners. We had a great time in self-defense. It was also
Kojima-san birthday as well as mine.
We share a birthday cake that Farrah made and gave him my Lei from Athena.
He was most appreciative.
They will be attending our Kaneohe dojo March 13th before sailing back home.